With Spring time comes many forms of lives. One of four baby bunnies discovered in the garden and given away for adoption on Craigslist.
Much has been accomplished in the past couple weeks....
The center of the vegetable garden and the front of the property have
been planted with perennial flowers thanks to a donation from Payne's Nurseries.
Carrot and radish beds were thinned (come get your radishes!)
The last of the chard and kale seedlings were transplanted (Richard and James at work)
Potatoes were mounded (Dominique and Ariel)
300 basil plants went into beds (Dominique)
James transplanting Chimayo peppers (donated by Payne's Nurserie)
A new patch was created with trellisses for Lemon Cucumbers and 4 varieties of tomato (Beefsteak, Early Russian, Peron Sprayless and Red Cherries)
Many efforts went into building a large Three Sisters waffle garden. 60 holes were dug (18" diameter by 18" depth) and filled with aged steer manure and compost. We opted for Renee's Garden design
Several varieties of summer and winter squash were planted
along with native corn. Pole beans will be planted as soon as the corn
stalks are big enough.
A recent compost donation (tomato, strawberries and corn) from the Food Depot was spread over one of the fields that will soon be mulched.
The last of the tomatoes were put into beds. We now have 300 tomato plants in the garden.
Two more beds need to be planted (peppers and chard) and the garden will be finished!
Scarlet Runner Beans on the fence
One of the chard beds
Romaine lettuce in one of the hoop house
Socks flags create by Dominique will soon be adorning the property fence
This week, we'll be building our farm stand at the entrance of the garden. On July 2, we'll start selling vegetables on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00-11:00am. We'll also have our volunteer time on those same days from 9:00-11:00am with a Qigong class offered by Dominique on Mondays at 8:30am.
The garden looks beautiful. Rabbits have been chomping on our bush beans, Flea Beetles have been chomping on radish greens and arugula... but there's plenty for everyone!
Our water situation is holding out so far. Hopefully rains will be here soon... We are still planning to raise money for a new well in order to expand the garden area in the future.
FARM STAND (Effective July 2)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Come get your vegetables at the farm, picked that morning with love.
Bring you kid(s) for a tour of the garden and a little grazing...
stand is located in the garden and accessible from the bike path. (if
you are riding downtown, farm is on your right after you cross Yucca.
Look for colorful signs and wind socks)
20% discount for people walking or biking.
(Come at 8:30am for a free 20 min. Qigong class led by Dominique)
(kid-centered afternoon with art-making and puppet theater)
First Monday of the Month
July 2, August 6, Sept. 3
NOTE: Please, park your vehicle on the street.
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this project, you can make a tax-deductible donation here. See our Wish List