Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Los Chamisos Neighborhood Supports Gaia Gardens

Resolution in Support of Gaia Gardens 
The following resolution was proposed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Los Chamisos Association on September 4, 2013
WHEREAS the Los Chamisos Association, an association of 43 homes on 5 cul-de-sacs located off Paseo de los Chamisos, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is an immediate neighbor with a common property line to the small urban farm known as Gaia Gardens (see attached map), and 

WHEREAS at least 80% of the residents living within the Los Chamisos Association actively support the existence of Gaia Gardens, and
WHEREAS the Los Chamisos Association supports Association homeowners who wish to pursue alternative energy, plant a drought tolerant and sustainable landscape, and who wish to grow some of their own food, and
WHEREAS the Los Chamisos Association has a small community garden of its own,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Los Chamisos Association
Supports the concept of urban farms and the presence of Gaia Gardens in our neighborhood in particular, and
Supports the concept of farm food stands, including Gaia Gardens, for neighborhood access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and
Supports the concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA),  including Gaia Gardens, and
Supports the use of these farms as educational centers, including Gaia Gardens, that would reach out to schools, the Diabetes Center, and the surrounding neighborhoods, and
Encourages the City of Santa Fe to work with Gaia Gardens to secure the necessary permits and make any necessary changes to ensure that Gaia Gardens continues as a presence in our community for the benefit of the homeowners of the Los Chamisos Association and the many other residents in the larger community who have benefited from the produce and education provided by Gaia Gardens. 

The Los Chamisos Association
P.O.Box4123    SantaFe  New Mexico 87502-4123 

The Los Chamisos Association consists of five cul-de-sacs with 43 homes. 

The Association borders the Gaia Gardens property on two sides (see map below) and shares the Paseo de los Chamisos street access and street parking.

A poll of all Association households asking their opinion about the presence of Gaia Garden in the neighborhood gave these results:

  • 34 “yes we support”—nearly all were emphatic “yeses” 
  • 7 no opinion or no response 
  • 1 “we do not support” 
  • 1 “we don’t support how this farm has been done (not following the rules), but do like the idea of urban farms