Sunday, February 2, 2014

Plaza Del Sol Homeowner’s Association Supports Gaia Gardens

Resolution in Support of Gaia Gardens approved by the Board of Directors Jan 31, 2014

WHEREAS the Plaza del Sol Home Owner’s Association, and association of 16 town houses located on Calle Anna Jean within short walking distance to the Arroyo Chamiso, in Santa Fe, New Mexico have agreed to actively support the Gaia Gardens Project down the Arroyo Chamiso walking path.

WHEREAS The Association has already created a small community garden of its own, we wish to support local food growing and conservation of energy in our own back yards,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Plaza del Sol Association:
  •   Supports the idea of urban farms, including Gaia Gardens in our neighborhood in particular, and
  •   Supports the concept of farm food stands, including Gaia Gardens, for neighborhood access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and
  •   Supports the concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), including Gaia Gardens, and
  •   Supports the use of these farms as educational centers, including Gaia Gardens, that would reach out to schools, the Diabetes Center and the surrounding neighborhoods, and
  •   Encourages the City of Santa Fe to work with Gaia Gardens to secure the necessary permits and make the changes to ensure that Gaia Gardens continues as a presence in our community for the benefit of the general neighborhood, including Plaza del Sol, who have benefited and will in the future benefit from the produce and education provided by Gaia Gardens.

Plaza del Sol Home Owner’s Association 
2730D Calle Anna Jean, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505